An open, drop-in night! Games start at 7:00. Arrive at 6:45 to draw your sheet number and Skip!
The Thursday Scramble League is open to all curlers - men and women, new and experienced. You don’t need a team to play on - it is a drop-in league! A League Rep will organize teams based on who arrives to curl each week. Curlers who are willing to skip will be assigned a sheet of ice. The remaining curlers will draw cards to randomly determine their sheet number and Skip. Teams will decide within themselves what positions they will play, and toss the coin as usual.
Games start at 7:00 PM. Sliders, grippers, and brooms are available to borrow at the club. Helmets are also available and encouraged. Arrive 10-15 minutes early to gather your equipment and draw a sheet number and Skip.
No upfront fees, other than the mandatory Curl BC/Curling Canada fees ($22). Only $10 per night!